Our Elders Speak

Estella Patrick Moller and Margaret Vickers Hyslop are two Elders from the TRU Elder in Residence Program. Once a week you can meet them at Cplul’kw’ten (the Gathering Place) in House 5. In the following videos, Estella and Margaret share their perspectives about the indigenization of higher education.






“May we learn to have respectful compassion for cultural similarities
as well as differences,

while honouring the sacredness of spiritual guidance
through an intellectual maze.”

Margaret Vickers Hyslop


Our Students Speak

What is it like to be an indigenous student at TRU? Hear Justin Young’s perspective.

 Tristen Wybou Perspectives

Mentioned Resources

  • Government of Canada. (1985). Indian Act. Retrieved from: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I-5/

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